Be a Corporate Sponsor of New Hope PTO
Sponsorship Levels
SILVER: $250
Recognition on PTO Website/Yearbook/Newsletter and Social Media reaching 1,100+ families/students
Business Fliers/Advertisement sent home with students 1x per year
GOLD: $500
Recognition on PTO Website/Yearbook/Newsletter and Social Media
reaching 1,100+ families/students
Business Fliers/Advertisement sent home with students 2x per year
Fundraising Events / Vendor Table Access at all PTO events
(all events - ex. Bingo Night/Movie Night)Banner displayed year-round in carpool lanes
Banners and fliers must be supplied by vendor with a banner size of 20"x45" and fliers sorted by class size.
Please submit all logos and banners to
For any additional questions, please also contact or provide your information by submitting the form.
** Please note: There will be a 3% processing fee added to all online sponsorship orders ($15 for Gold; $7.50 for Silver).
Contact Us
To speak with someone regarding interest in becoming a sponsor, please fill out the form. To purchase your sponsorship online using a credit card, please visit our store at